Ombudsman Insists On Issuing Recommendations For Maladministration Of TWK Implementation Even Though KPK Is 'against'

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ombudsman will continue to issue recommendations after the discovery of maladministration and abuse of authority in the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) for employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

This assurance was conveyed by the Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman, Mochamad Najih, in response to the objections and refusal of the KPK to carry out corrective actions, the deadline for which is today or Monday, August 16.

"The process is still ongoing and will be carried out according to the mechanism at the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia," Najih told reporters on Monday, August 17.

He said that his party was currently preparing to make recommendations regarding the TWK of KPK employees. Currently, said Najih, the process of issuing recommendations has entered the stage of mitigating objections and monitoring resolutions.

"If the LAHP is still not implemented, the recommendation of the Indonesian Ombudsman will be issued to the President and DPR," he said.

As previously reported, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has expressed objections and will not carry out any corrective actions submitted by the Indonesian Ombudsman after maladministration and abuse of authority were found in the TWK implementation process.

There are 13 points of objection from the KPK which resulted in the refusal to carry out corrective actions according to the report of the Indonesian Ombudsman.

Among these points, the anti-corruption commission considers the Ombudsman to have violated the legal obligation to refuse reports or stop the examination of reports that are known to be under court examination.

The KPK also considers that the legal standing of the reporter, namely the employees who are declared not to have passed the TWK, are not the recipients of KPK services as the party entitled to report to the Ombudsman.

Not only that, the anti-corruption commission said that the corrective actions from the results of the Indonesian Ombudsman's report had no causal relationship and conflicted between the conclusions and the final report.