Deddy Mizwar Criticizes The Role And Function Of LSF, It's Better To Focus On The Big Screen

JAKARTA – Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Film Companies (PPFI) Deddy Mizwar criticized the contents of Law Number 33 of 2009 concerning Film and Government Regulation Number 18 of 2014 concerning Film Censorship Institutions (LSF).

According to his observations, so far LSF has not been effective in carrying out the mandate of laws and government regulations. Because of that, he suggested that the censorship agency should focus on the role of censoring wide-screen films, aka films that are shown in theaters only.

“The censorship agency has decided to just censor cinema films, there is no need to censor films that appear on television. For television, they already have their own ethics, let them censor the films or content that will be broadcast on television," he said.

According to Deddy, television is better off referring to the broadcasting regulations that have been monitored by the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI). And the public is tighter in monitoring the products produced by television.

In accordance with the mandate of the law, LSF must also exist in the regions, even though so far, continued this film star, Naga Bonar, not all regions have LSF. While television in the area is already countless. Almost in every area there is local television. "Who censors the movies or shows they show on their televisions," he said.

Thus, said Deddy Mizwar, LSF's task can be more focused on censoring, only films that will be shown in theaters. "If you want it to be true, Law Number 33 of 2009 concerning Film and the accompanying Government Regulations must be amended. It must be adjusted to the current situation," he said.