Update On COVID-19 As Of June 21: Wear A Mask But Don't Keep Your Distance

JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, explained that the number of positive cases continues to increase every day. Based on data as of June 21, the number of positive cases nationally was 45,891 with an additional 862 people.

The addition of the most positive cases occurred in DKI Jakarta. The capital city of this country has contributed 142 new cases. Then, South Sulawesi with 112 cases, Central Java and East Java which respectively found 99 and 91 positive cases.

The number of positive cases can be found based on the results of examining 18,299 specimens using the PCR method or monocular rapid test.

"We have examined 18,229 specimens, so in total we have examined 639,385 specimens. From this examination, 862 confirmed positive people," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Sunday, June 21.

On the other hand, the good news regarding recovered cases and no positive cases was found in some areas. Yuri said, 18 provinces reported positive cases below the number 10. Then, 9 provinces did not find positive cases.

Meanwhile, for recovered cases, there were several areas where the number of cured cases was more than positive. For example, DKI Jakarta and East Java which contributed to recovered cases were more than 100 people.

"DKI Jakarta, as many as 142 positive cases and 233 reported recovered people. East Java reported 91 positive cases and 125 recovered," said Yuri.

With the addition of the number of recovered cases, nationally 521 people were declared cured as of June 21 and the overall total from the beginning of the first case was found to reach 18,404 people.

Meanwhile, there were 36 cases of death with a total of 2,465 people. Furthermore, of the 439 districts / cities that have been affected in 34 provinces, the number of people under monitoring (ODP) is 56,436 people and for patients under surveillance, currently there are 13,225 people.

Do not keep your distance even though you have a mask

Apart from the addition of cases, Yuri said from the monitoring of the Task Force team, the community had begun to be undisciplined in implementing health protocols. Because, in some community activities are still seen crowding.

One example was the reopening of the Car Free Day activities. The community seems not to keep their body apart, even though they still use masks. In fact, maintaining distance is the most important thing to avoid transmission.

"Even though we have mostly seen wearing masks, but once again physical distancing is something that is necessary," said Yuri.

Then, the same thing happened at airports that have been allowed to open travel routes. In the city, said Yuri, there was no implementation of safety guarding. Thus, it still has the potential for transmission to occur.

In fact, the health protocol is an integral part. So, it cannot be separated or only done one of them to avoid COVID-19.

"Physical distancing, keeping a distance, using masks, is something that must be carried out with discipline once again. This is an absolute prerequisite if we will adapt new habits to return to our level of productivity," concluded Yuri.