Fantastic! PSI Says Anies Baswedan Disbursed IDR 5 Trillion, Holds Formula E For 5 Years Contract

JAKARTA - The PSI faction of the DKI DPRD noted that the fiscal burden disbursed by the DKI Provincial Government in order to be able to organize Formula E for a five-year contract is quite fantastic.

It is estimated that the costs incurred from the APBD to hold Formula E until it is completed will reach Rp. 5 trillion.

"For the overall fiscal burden of Formula E activities, perhaps IDR 4.8 trillion to IDR 5 trillion must be spent by the DKI Provincial Government in its implementation," PSI faction member Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo told reporters, Friday, August 13.

This calculation, said Anggara, came from the payment of the results of the examination of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the 2019 DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Budget Realization Report (LRA) and the 2020 PT Jakarta Propertindo or Jakpro Regional Equity Participation (PMD) proposal.

In detail, PSI calculates that the DKI Provincial Government must spend a budget of IDR 2 trillion for the payment of the commitment fee, with an annual cost of around IDR 360 trillion with an additional 10 percent every year.

Not to mention the cost of a bank guarantee of around Rp423 billion and other estimates that have been disbursed to PT Jakarta Propertindo which are of an implementation nature to operationalize the Formula E event.

Thus, PSI is asking for an update of the feasibility study currently being prepared by the DKI Provincial Government with the addition of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic so that the details of the expenses and benefits of Formula E can be described clearly.

"That's why we are waiting for what the new FS will look like, because the BPK report also recommends that the BPK immediately make the latest FS from this implementation," said Anggara.

It is known, Anies still maintains the desire to organize Formula E, even though Jakarta is not included in the calendar for 2022. This effort is carried out by renegotiating with Formula E Operation (FEO), the manager of Formula E in New York, United States.

In addition, PT Jakarta Propertindo also conducted a study on the feasibility study of the economic, social, and environmental impacts on the implementation of the Formula E event.

The feasibility study was again carried out due to the postponement of the implementation of Formula E which was originally held in June 2020. This study was carried out with the consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic.