Traditional Markets Have A Vital Role To Stimulate The Economy

JAKARTA - A number of traditional markets have reopened during the new normal transition period after COVID-19. This step has received appreciation from the government.

"I really appreciate the governor and mayor, who have given priority and seriously re-functioned and revived traditional markets," said Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy, Friday, June 19.

This is because, he said, traditional markets have a very vital role in stimulating economic life. This is because traditional markets are the supply change in the economic chain, especially at the lowest level, namely small and micro enterprises.

"If this traditional market can live and be safe from COVID-19, God willing, economic enthusiasm will soon be realized. Indeed, this is not an easy job, but if we continue to work hard we will be able to overcome it," said the Coordinating Minister for PMK.

As reported by almost all regional heads, both governors and mayors, one of the rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic is in the economic sector.

Traditional markets are referred to as the lifeblood of the community's economy, especially among the lower classes, including 65 million workers engaged in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

"However, it must be remembered that the most important thing is to follow the rules of health protocol. However, this COVID season must be used as well as possible to reconstruct, transform Indonesia for the better," he said.

But no less important, added Muhadjir, local governments also need to have a sense of crisis. This means that in crisis conditions such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, what is most needed is hard work and commitment.

"We all really have to have a sense of crisis. Because if we do not really and really live up to the meaning of the sense of crisis, we will not be able to solve this pandemic problem and will even fall into deeper problems," he said.

While closing the meeting, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD also stated the same thing. That hard work is one of the keys to success in overcoming Covid-19, in addition to government creativity and community discipline.

A number of traditional market traders in Jakarta are Positive for COVID-19

In the past week, the number of traditional market traders in Jakarta who tested positive for COVID-19 increased. Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service, Widyastuti, previously said that as of Thursday 18 June, 137 market traders were infected with the corona virus.

These results are known from aggressive testing in a market environment using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. A total of 137 market traders who were confirmed positive were obtained from 1,198 traders examined in 18 traditional markets.

"Actually, if there is a confirmed case, from the start we have done tracing in the area in the market. For those who are currently aggressive during the easing period, there is a mapping of areas that are potentially vulnerable," Widyastuti told reporters, Thursday, June 18.

The details of the traders who have confirmed the most positive cases came from the Kramat Jati Central Market with a total of 49 people. Then, there were 18 traders at Perumnas Klender Market, 13 people at Tanah Abang Market, 14 people at Serdang Market, 14 people at Rawasari Market, and 9 people at Petojo Enclek Market.

Furthermore, tests at Pasar Minggu Market found 3 traders who were also positive for COVID-19, then Sabeni Market 3 people, 2 people in Kedip Market, 2 people in Thamrin City Market, 2 people in Timbul Market, Kartini Village.

Then, Grogol Market found 1 person infected with COVID-19, Pasar Puri Indah 1 person, Gedong Obor Market 1 person, Makasar Embrio Market 1 person, Koja Complex Market 1 person, Lenteng Agung Market 2 people, and Gondangdia Market 1 person.