Dexamethasone Does Not Prevent COVID-19

JAKARTA - Indonesian people are busy talking about a drug called dexamethasone or dexamethasone. That said, this drug could save the lives of critical COVID-19 patients.

A member of the task force communication team, Dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro, emphasized that dexamethasone is not a drug to prevent or counteract the spread of COVID-19. He said, this drug should only be used on people who have severe respiratory problems. It also has to be supervised by a doctor, it should not be arbitrary.

"This drug is recommended for confirmed cases that are seriously ill and critically ill, namely cases requiring ventilators and respiratory assistance. This drug is recommended because it will reduce the number of deaths by 20-30 percent of these cases," said Reisa at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Friday, June 19.

In addition, based on WHO Indonesia recommendations, said Reisa, dexamethasone has no effect or impact for people who experience mild or no symptoms. So, it will be useless if consumed. So, don't try this drug.

"This drug has no impact or is not a therapy for confirmed cases of mild illness or without symptoms," said Reisa.

Dexamethasone side effects

The use of the drug dexamethasone, it will only cause side effects. Moreover, for people who have drug and other allergies. Because, the use of this drug must be under a doctor's supervision.

"Especially if you have allergies to food, drugs or other ingredients contained therein. But please be careful, ladies and gentlemen, because the dosage and length of use of dexamethasone is given based on the age of the patient's condition and reaction to the drug," said Reisa.

Although he did not explain in detail about the side effects caused, Reisa said that dexamethasone would reduce inflammation and lower the immune system. So, it is very dangerous if consumed in the long term and without a doctor's supervision.

In fact, for those who are already taking dexamethasone, they don't just stop. Must go through a process before this drug is completely stopped being consumed.

"Dexamethasone that has been used for a long time should not be stopped suddenly, the doctor will gradually decrease the dose before stopping this drug," Reisa said.