Accident On Salatiga Toll Road, MUI Chairman Miftachul Akhyar Will Undergo Treatment At RSI Surabaya

SURABAYA - Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Miftachul Akhyar had an accident on the Semarang-Salatiga toll road. Kiai Miftah's car was hit by another vehicle.

Kiai Miftah was taken to Salatiga Hospital at around 10.20 WIB. After his condition was not alarming, he was then allowed to go home. Now, Kiai Miftah is heading to Surabaya to undergo a follow-up examination at the Jemursari Hospital, Wonocolo District, Surabaya City.

The President Director of RSI Jemursari, Bangun Trapsilla, admitted that he was waiting for the arrival of Kiai Miftah. His side has also prepared a treatment room for Kiai Miftah.

"God willing, there is a room, it has been prepared. We are now waiting for the arrival of Kiai Miftah," said Bangun, confirmed on Thursday, August 12.

Wake up to make sure KH Miftachul's condition is in good condition. However, it is necessary to receive further treatment and treatment at RSI Jemursari Surabaya.

"It means this, he can be sent (to RSI Jemursari) in a stable condition, maybe after here if necessary there will be diagnostics or other actions, depending on the conditions later," he said.

Now, his party has prepared medical staff and rooms for Kiai Miftah's treatment.

"We estimate that we will arrive here around 13.00 or 14.00 WIB, that's more or less, later the foundation will handle it," he said.