Villagers Struggle, Sigi Residents Travel 70 Km To Distribute Food Aid For Isoman COVID-19 Residents In Palu

PALU - Desandera (21), a resident from Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, is willing to travel 70 kilometers to distribute food packages to residents who are undergoing self-isolation (isoman) due to exposure to COVID-19 in Palu City.

The distribution of this food aid was channeled through the volunteer post "Roa Jaga Roa".

"My intention is to help, not to seek profit," said Desandrea at the Roa Jaga Roa Palu post, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 10.

Desandera admits that she helps residents who are undergoing isomanism, not by coercion, but by personal encouragement. For a distance of 70 kilometers, he traveled to the capital city of Central Sulawesi using a motorcycle.

He admitted that he knew of the Roa Jaga Roa Volunteer Command Post for COVID-19 from uploads on social media. After that he found out and started communicating through social media devices to one of the volunteers, namely Joshua Marunduh.

From that conversation, then Desandera, who also owns a food stall in Tongoa Village, Palolo District, Sigi Regency, prepared food ingredients to be delivered to the post.

"My lunch package has been prepared since evening. In the morning it is heated, then wrapped. After packing it at around 08.00 am, I immediately drove my motorbike to Palu City, and arrived at around 10.00 WITA. For the dinner package, I started preparing in the afternoon, packed and then brought back to Palu and arrived at the Roa Jaga Roa Command Post at around 17.30 WITA," he said.

One way, Desandera is able to carry approximately 20 food packages, and the packages are delivered twice a day.

Josua Marundu, one of the Roa Jaga Roa Volunteers, expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the participation of residents in helping others.

"I didn't expect that the stall that was managed by Desandera was far from the capital city," said Josua.

He explained that the Roa Jaga Roa Volunteer Command Post has handled around 400 residents undergoing isomanism in Palu City and Sigi Regency.

In addition to preparing food packages, his party also prepared vitamins, oxygen and ambulance assistance for referrals to hospitals.

"All isoman packages and others are managed from donations from various parties. There are also donations of goods that are delivered directly to the post," said Josua.