COVID-19 Cases Ramp Up, Shooting Field Hospital In Surabaya Has Zero Patients

SURABAYA - The implementation of PPKM level 4 is said to have an impact on decreasing COVID-19 cases in the city of Surabaya. Shooting Field Hospital (RSLT) Surabaya has zero COVID-19 patients.

"Alhamdulillah, starting from yesterday Monday, people with COVID-19 are no longer inhabited," said Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government, Febriadhitya Prajatara, in Surabaya, Tuesday, August 10.

He explained that previously the Shooting Field Hospital, which was managed by the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) had been inhabited by up to 100 patients. However, with the implementation of PPKM Level 4, as well as increasing citizen discipline towards health protocols (prokes), so that the COVID-19 case in Surabaya can continue to slope.

"Alhamdulillah, because it is indeed the implementation of PPKM Level 4 and also the assistance from Surabaya City residents who are disciplined in the prokes, so that the Covid-19 condition in Surabaya has started to sag," he explained.

Even though there were no patients, Febri said, currently the Shooting Field Hospital is still in a standby position. This means that existing infrastructure facilities are still on standby to anticipate when needed. Moreover, the transmission of COVID-19 can occur due to movement between humans.

"As long as we can maintain health procedures, maintain distance, cleanliness and also follow the vaccine, God willing, there will be a protection in Surabaya," he said.

Febri also stated that the COVID-19 case in Surabaya could be sloping because it was motivated by increasing public awareness of the people around them. This is of course supported by a task force from the sub-district and sub-district which is responsive in mediating and evacuating when there are residents who are exposed to COVID-19.

"When someone is exposed to COVID-19 in Surabaya, friends from the sub-district and sub-district task force mediate so that they can be placed in a healthy home or Hajj Dormitory Hotel (HAH). If the symptoms are moderate or severe, they will be immediately referred to Dr. Soewandhie Hospital," he said.

In addition, the Surabaya City Government is also massive in taking countermeasures at the upstream level. Hence, every resident who is exposed is immediately treated in an integrated manner in a healthy home.

"So why is this (the case) sloping, because we are trying to break the chain at the beginning (upstream). Because no matter how much downstream when there is a lot of overflow from upstream, it will break too. That's why it is accommodated in a healthy home," he said.

Febri revealed, as of August 9, there were 2,090 residents in Surabaya who were self-isolating. Of this number, as many as 1,696 residents can be mediated to healthy homes for integrated isolation (isoter).

"The task force from the city government was then assisted by the TNI and POLRI as well as the capabilities of the Camat and Lurah who managed to mediate with 1,696 people out of a total of 2,090 (isomans) so that integrated isolation could be carried out," he said.

As for the rest, they do isoman at home. According to Febri, this is based on the results of the COVID-19 Task Force assessment which recommended that their house be suitable for isoman use. Of course, these isoman residents are under the supervision or monitoring of health workers at the local health center.

"Because the others saw their house during the assessment, it was possible to carry out isomanism. But those who carried out isomanism were still being monitored by puskesmas officers," he said.

With the healthy house, Febri stated that the handling of COVID-19 carried out by the Surabaya City Government could be faster. On the other hand, it is also easier for health workers to provide treatment to residents in healthy homes if they need an emergency at any time.

"Alhamdulillah, with the existence of this healthy house or isoter, treatment can be faster and family cluster transmission can be prevented," he said.

Meanwhile, Febri added, at the Gelora Bung Tomo (GBT) Indoor Hospital in Surabaya, 44 residents are still using it for isoter today. They are known to have mild to moderate symptoms.

"The symptoms are moderate and mild. But until today, God willing, it is under control, patients are also given maximum attention by officers in the field," he concluded.