Illegal Free Fighting Match In Makassar Disbanded, Police Arrest 28 People

MAKASAR – A total of 28 youths in Makassar were secured by the Mobile Detective Team (Resmob) of the South Sulawesi Police. They are suspected to be the perpetrators of the free fight held by the Street Fight community at the Central Market, Jalan Hos Cokroaminoto, Makassar, Monday morning.

"This is the second time we have made arrests. There are 28 people who have been detained by officers," said the South Sulawesi Police Resmob Committee 2 team, AKP Benny Pornika, quoting Antara, Monday 9 August.

Benny Pornika explained that during the raid at the location of the illegal free-fight match, a chase took place with the perpetrators. The former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pinrang Police also said that hundreds of youths who packed the fighting site were an obstacle for his side. But it can be handled.

However, only 28 youths were caught by the police, the rest fled from the officers' pursuit. The 28 people were then taken by officers to the Makassar Polrestabes office, Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani for interrogation.

"They were detained to be asked what their role was in the free fighting match held by the Makassar Street Fight community," he added.

Separately, the Head of Public Relations of the Makassar Polrestabes, AKP Lando, after the arrest stated that so far the police are still investigating the role of the youths who were present in the illegal fighting activities.

To maintain health protocols, the police carried out urine checks and COVID-19 tests for suspects. But the results are still waiting for time, whether the status is negative or positive.

The atmosphere of hand-to-hand combat, aka illegal free fighting, Street Fight at a certain location on Jalan Botolempamgan, Makassar, South Sulawesi (Photo: Antara)

"It's still being investigated. The test results haven't come out yet, we'll just have to wait for the results of the investigator's examination," he said briefly. Previously, the police had arrested eight people in connection with an illegal free-fight match on Jalan Ince Nurdin on Wednesday, August 4. The arrest was made after his party saw a video of a free fight match that went viral on social media.

The eight suspected perpetrators who were arrested by the police, with the initials RA (19) and MA (19) as fighters, while the viewers, respectively, EI, AB, TS, MRA, MAF and MA, were known to be teenagers. These eight teenagers were released, only RA and MA were named suspects and obliged to report, the rest became witnesses.