Confide In The DPR About PLN's Arrogance Towards Customers

JAKARTA - The sudden increase in PLN's electricity bills during the handling of COVID-19 caused the public to protest. Although the reason for the increase in electricity consumption during work from home (WFH) has been conveyed by PLN, it is not natural that the increase in the bill is unable to reduce complaints.

In the hearing of the Commission VII DPR RI with the President Director of PT PLN Zulkifli Zaini, Deputy Chairman of Commission VII Eddy Soeparno revealed that the state-owned company arrogance in dealing with customers experiencing increased electricity bills.

Eddy said, when he visited the electoral district (dapil) during the recess period, one of his constituents complained that his electricity meter was cut off by the PLN.

Furthermore, Eddy said, the meter was disconnected not because the constituents were reluctant to pay the electricity bill increase or ask for relief from PLN, but because they proposed an installment payment system.

"I get a lot of complaints from constituents. I am in the Bogor City, Cianjur Regency district because of soaring bills, communicating with the local PLN to ask for installments to be scheduled, applications are submitted instead of being served but the meter is removed," said Eddy, in RDP Commission VII with the President Director. PLN, Wednesday, June 17.

According to Eddy, his party understands that PLN's burden will get heavier with the application of payment installments to customers. However, he considered, PLN's condition is still more favorable in this case because as a state-owned company, PLN still has shareholders who can help provide funds.

"Where's the empathy, Sir? Earlier the President Director said that the installments could be given but it would burden PLN, we understand, Sir. But if PLN is burdened there are still shareholders, asked the shareholders in an emergency situation it can still be given. where sir ?, "he said.

In the midst of difficult economic conditions due to the outbreak of COVID-19, said Eddy, PLN must improve the way it communicates with the public. Because, currently the public is much more sensitive regarding the increase in electricity bills.

"PLN communications are being improved, and in simple language as possible. If we come up with an advanced calculation method, the people don't want to know. People just want to know how much I paid? Is it fair or not? That's all Sir. If there is an increase I think people understand, but if there is a surge please explain, "he said.

In addition, Eddy also asked PT PLN (Persero) to immediately provide compensation to the public who were proven to have overpaid on April and May accounts.

PLN Proven Arrogant

Public policy observer from Trisakti University Trubus Rahadiansyah assessed that what PLN did to one of the constituents in Eddy Soeparno showed that this state-owned company was not implementing good corporate governance. Where one of the aspects is transparency and accountability.

"That is a form of PLN arrogance and arbitrariness. In my opinion, he should apply good corporate governance or good corporate governance. So he should not use violent means or methods that are intimidating or commit what is called abuse of power," said Trubus. , when contacted by VOI.

Trubus assessed that as a state-owned company whose shares are owned by the government, PLN should uphold public civility ethics or public decency in providing services to customers. Resulting in customer satisfaction.

"This transparency does not exist, and where does this (PLN) have responsibility? It should be the responsibility of consumers, right? PLN is not a debt collector company. Public trust and customer satisfaction must also be maintained and prioritized. If this is what the government is doing, the government should act. the entire board of directors was removed, "he explained.

According to Trubus, as a state-owned company in charge of providing services to the public, PLN must improve its public communication methods. Then improve its work image and performance.

"This is also related to consumer protection. Apart from improving communication, PLN should show a good image in the midst of this pandemic. Such as providing relief or relaxation to its customers," he said.