Anies Baswedan Targets To Resolve 28 Priority Issues For DKI, One Of Which Formula E Will Be Held In June 2022

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has issued Governor's Instruction (Ingub) Number 49 of 2021 concerning the Settlement of Regional Priority Issues for 2021-2022. In this instruction, Anies instructed the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary to carry out the resolution of priority issues in 2021-2022.

"Ensuring the completion of regional priority issues in 2021-2022, leading and controlling the settlement of regional priority issues in 2021-2022, empowering all assistants and regional apparatus as well as BUMD and other regional potentials, and taking full responsibility for resolving regional priority issues in 2021-2022 ," wrote Anies in Ingub, quoted on Monday, August 9.

In the Ingub appendix, there are 28 issues that are targets for the completion of regional priority issues in 2021-2022.

One of the issues on the list is the implementation of Formula E. Anies gave a target for the electric car racing event to be realized in the middle of next year.

"The holding of the Formula E competition with a target time of June 2022," Anies wrote.

In addition to Formula E, Anies also included RPJMD, fiscal and tax issues, DKI assets, licensing reform, revision of regulations regarding BUMD, RTRW and RDTR, TOD, Taman Ismail Marzuki, JIS Stadium, regional development.

In addition, Anies also included priority issues regarding flooding, clean water, waste water, solid waste, climate change and air pollution control, ducting, Rp0 DP houses, villages, flats, transportation regulations, Jaklingko, roads/bridges, Fatmawati-TMII MRT. , KDPBU LRT, bicycles, digital transformation, and performance management.

As is known, DKI Governor Anies Baswedan still maintains his desire to organize Formula E, even though Jakarta is not included in the calendar for 2022. This effort was carried out by re-negotiating with Formula E Operation (FEO), the manager of Formula E in New York, United States.

"PT Jakarta Propertindo has renegotiated with the FEO regarding the confirmation and clarity of the status of the sustainability of the cooperation, the time of implementation, and the status of the funding that has been paid," Anies said in an explanatory document regarding the changes to the 2017-2022 RPJMD.

However, after the renegotiations, it turns out that currently FEO has not issued any certainty regarding whether Jakarta will continue to host Formula E or not due to waiting for the development of the pandemic.

"The payment of the commitment fee for the 2022 event and beyond will be rescheduled after the certainty of the implementation of Formula E taking into account the end of the COVID-19 pandemic," he explained.