Sad News From West Bangka, A Total Of 77 People Died Due To COVID-19

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Control Task Force for West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, reported that 38 residents were confirmed positive for the new corona virus and two cases of patients died.

"With the addition of 38 cases, the total number of cases of residents who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic to date is 4,279 people", said Spokesperson for the West Bangka Regency COVID-19 Control Task Force, M. Putra Kusuma in Mentok, as reported by Antara, Saturday, August 7th.

He explained that as many as 38 new cases came from Mentok District 34 people, Simpangteritip one person and Jebus three people, so the number of patients required to quarantine, care and self-isolate to 588 people.

On this day it was also released that there were two additional cases of patients who died from Jebus and Parittiga, one person each, bringing the total number of deaths during the pandemic to 77 people.

Putra Kusuma said that the increase in the number of recovered patients that occurred today was 44 people, 33 people from Mentok District, Jebus one, Parittiga two, Kelapa three, and from Tempilang District five people, bringing the total number of recovered patients to 3,614 people during the pandemic.

"Currently we are still implementing Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) which require support and increase public awareness in complying with health protocols", he said.

PPKM is carried out to increase public awareness of discipline in carrying out health rules as a joint effort to control virus transmission.

"The government and the COVID-19 Task Force team continue to intensify tracing and testing, this step must be followed by increasing public awareness. Discipline in carrying out health protocols is the key so that we can together break the chain of transmission", he said.