Deaths Due To COVID-19 In South Sumatra Are Dominated By 55-69 Year Olds

JAKARTA - The average number of cases of death due to COVID-19 in South Sumatra occurred at the age of 55-69 years, which reached 1,058 cases or dominated up to 47.9 percent.

Meanwhile, the number of deaths due to COVID-19 in South Sumatra increased by 39 people from 2,207 to 2,246 or up 4.0 percent in a day from Thursday, August 5 to, Friday, August 6.

Head of Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Health Office of South Sumatra Province, Ferry Yanuar, said that after that, those aged over 70 years were still recorded high, reaching 407 cases or 18.4 percent, followed by productive age 45-54 years, which recorded 446 cases or 20 percent, then the productive age of 20-44 years there were 257 cases or 11.6 percent.

Age 15-19 years recorded 7 cases, age 5-14 years 12 cases, age 1-4 years 4 cases. The rest, for ages under one year there are 10 cases.

"But in the last few weeks there have been no additional cases other than the 55-69 year age range," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, August 6.

According to him, the case of death due to COVID-19 is exacerbated by the presence of comorbidities suffered by the patient, such as diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hypertension, pulmonary TB, stroke, asthma, kidney, heart, gastritis, cancer, HIV, liver cirrhosis, dengue fever. and meningitis.

"On average, those who died were people who were of advanced age and had comorbidities or comorbidities, especially hypertension," he said.

Dealing with the death case, his party will intensify the implementation of 3T (testing and tracking and treatment) and maximize the vaccination scheme.

In one day, South Sumatra through the Central Health Laboratory (BBLK) is able to check samples (testing) up to 7,000-9,000 samples using the antigen swab test and 1,000 PCR test samples.

"On the other hand, this testing has also caused the positive number of COVID-19 in South Sumatra to increase. Because public awareness is increasing to detect whether or not they are exposed to COVID-19," he said.

However, what needs to be underlined is that the government has done as much as possible to implement the COVID-19 response, such as socializing health protocols and making it easier for the public to get good services at every existing health facility.

But of course it will not be effective whatever the form of countermeasures carried out by the government if there is no public awareness to comply with health protocols such as wearing masks and avoiding crowds.

"We hope that people will never slack off to wear masks and avoid crowds outside the house to avoid the spread of COVID-19," he said. Meanwhile, the number of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 continues to increase, recorded fluctuatingly as of Friday there were 786 cases from 17 districts/cities confirmed positive, 10,319 confirmed cases active in the treatment process, 673 suspected cases in process, 3,120 close contacts in the process.

Of the 17 urban districts, there are 13 that are in the red zone or high distribution including Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), Lahat, Banyuasin, Ogan Komering Ilir, Muara Enim, East OKU, Ogan Ilir, South OKU, Musi Rawas, and Pagaralam City. , Palembang, Lubuklinggau, and Prabumulih.

Meanwhile, the four areas in the orange zone include Empat Lawang Regency, North Musi Rawas, Banyuasin Musi, and Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir.