3 Ministerial Positions Targeted By Olvah Alhamid

JAKARTA - Olvah Alhamid became the first Papuan woman to win the title of Puteri Indonesia Intelligence in 2015. Now, the international model wants to become a minister.

"I want to be the minister of education, or the minister of social affairs, or women's empowerment. The point is that I want to make good changes in people's mindsets", she explained during a conversation with VOI some time ago.

Being a minister, she continued, could help determine policies to encourage the improvement of the quality of Indonesia's human resources. The owner of name Syarifah Olvah Alhamid admits that she is ready to face a long road.

Using social media, Olvah welcomes the invitation of people who need her presence. "I came to villages that I didn't know. Someone asked, 'Sis, come here,' I came at my own expense. I said that you would prepare 50-100 people, it's okay I came alone. Don't worry about tickets and hotels. I'm ready to come, the important thing is to pick me up at the airport", she said.

In the future, Olvah admits that she is considering entering politics. She wants to represent Papua in a more definite way.

"In the end, I had to take that step. I think to make a change in Indonesia I also have to change. My friends, my friends are very supportive, including my family. They say 'your thinking is too forward-looking, analyzing until sometimes we don't catch'. They said I had to enter politics and a lot of people supported me", she said.

The girl who was born on March 24, 1990, admits that not everything about Papua is good. But, if no one fights for it then there will be no significant change.

"In Timika, I don't like seeing friends getting drunk. If I'm around, drunk friends run away, because I don't like it. But in Papua, it's not always warring as reported. I want people's mindset to be changed", she said.

Departing from that belief, Olvah Alhamid is confident that he can achieve her dream of becoming a minister. "Five years from now, Olvah already has a large social institution. In the next ten years, I will be involved in politics, regarding the Regional House of Representatives, the Regent, or the Deputy Regent. Many people laughed at me when I wanted to become a minister, I said if you don't have dreams, don't break other people's dreams", she said.