Through 18 Thousand Injections, This Is The Result Of Kevin Aprilio's Hair Transplant

JAKARTA - Kevin Aprilio went through a long struggle to do a hair transplant in Turkey. Not only expensive, Kevin has to go through 18 thousand injections and wait 8 months to get maximum results.

"This is a struggle because it endures the pain of the struggle too. Because I have to inject anesthetics dozens of times and it hurts a lot in my opinion. Because in all parts of the head and face (forehead chin). That's dozens of times. But after the injections it doesn't hurt anymore. The struggle is there," said Kevin on YouTube Deddy Corbuzier quoted Friday, August 6.

Now the changes are starting to show in Kevin's head. The hair has started to grow back and the beard has started to grow. Kevin, who initially wanted to grow hair so that his forehead didn't look too wide, then thought about growing a beard.

"If it's a beard like this, in my opinion, it's just an experiment. At that time when I was there I asked the doctor 'How many grafts (strands of hair) can be implanted in me'. He said it could be 6 thousand and that's a lot. can be removed. Yes, I've tried this (beard). Because for me, it's a guy who has (beard) it's cool, he can shave it or not depending on his mood. And the second function sometime can be like shading, right. It's semi It's semi shading," Kevin continued.

The process of planting hair also takes a long time. "So my process took 12 hours, but there was a break to eat. So the first step was to get my hair bald because I wanted a lot. When I got bald I was anesthetized first in the donor area. Donor area where our hair will be taken. Anesthetized one by one. He has a tool like a gun, is it 'shallow', he looks like he took the roots deep inside. After that, he put one in one, there was a lot of blood. After that, let's eat first. " said Kevin.

Kevin admitted that he was not confident meeting other people after a hair transplant, because he felt his appearance was unnatural. Moreover, the results are expected to be seen in 8 months.

"So the beginning of the transplant was still not very natural. It's still like artificial, so I still don't feel confident meeting people. It's not finished yet, wait eight months. It's still four months," said Kevin Aprilio.