Entrepreneur Heru Budi Hartono Donates IDR 2 Billion To Handle COVID-19: Mr. Eri Cahyadi's Work Is Extraordinary, Must Be Supported

SURABAYA - The entrepreneur who is also the President Director of PT Hartono Wira Tanik (HWT) Heru Budi Hartono handed over Rp2 billion in cash assistance to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 in the City of Surabaya, East Java.

"I see the mayor's work is extraordinary. As a citizen of course I must support him," said Heru Budi Hartono, when handing over assistance to Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi at Surabaya City Hall, quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 5.

The mayor admitted that he was surprised and happy with the assistance. However, Heru Budi Hartono immediately took out a piece of paper in the form of a check and signed it as a handover sign.

Heru said this assistance was given as a form of support and appreciation for the hard work of the mayor and his staff. For him, what the Surabaya City Government has done so far is considered extraordinary and deserves thumbs up.

"Mr. Eri does a very good job, that's why we are happy to help," said Heru, after handing over the aid.

He explained that this assistance was not the first time. Previously, he also supported Mayor Eri's program in the Foster Parents program for Low-Income Communities (MBR) children by financing 500 children.

In addition, he said about two weeks ago, he also came to the Surabaya City Hall to hand over aid in the form of rice for affected residents.

"Because when I heard what the city government needed, I was immediately called to come to provide support. I did this with pleasure," he said.

In fact, Heru admitted, in the future he will always be ready to help the city government if needed. Not only that, the distribution mechanism is completely left to the Mayor of Eri, who understands the condition of his citizens.

"Please, Mr (Mayor Eri) manage everything. We can only help from behind and invite all entrepreneurs to participate in mutual cooperation in helping the government," he said.

Eri Cahyadi expressed his gratitude for the trust given. He explained that the assistance for the umpteenth time from PT HWT would soon be distributed to those entitled to receive it.

Not only that, seeing the help that came, the number one person in the Surabaya City Government environment admitted that his heart trembled when he saw the greatness of the people of Surabaya in working together.

"This is what makes the hearts tremble, the people of Surabaya are so great. Indeed, nothing is perfect, but when all stakeholders come here, it makes us stronger," he said.

Therefore, after the pandemic subsided, the former Head of the Surabaya City Development Planning Agency (Bappeko) also confirmed that he would take various ways to get the economy in Surabaya to move again.

Because, he said, seeing the extraordinary support from various businessmen and investors present was a strength in itself so that the City of Heroes immediately rose from the plague that hit the world.

"We will move the economy together in Surabaya after this condition is better. We do all of this for the welfare of the people of Surabaya," he said.