IDR 1 Billion Contributor For Mosques Through Nurdin Abdullah Admits Only Charity, Not Expecting Projects

MAKASSAR - One of the construction entrepreneurs Haeruddin who was presented as a witness in the bribery and gratification trial of the inactive South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah admitted that his contribution of Rp. 1 billion for the mosque was purely alms without expecting a project return.

"I have never worked on a project for the South Sulawesi Provincial Government and donations to the mosque are purely alms for charity, not hoping for a project," said Haeruddin at the Makassar Corruption Court, quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 5.

He said the construction donations to several mosques were a form of alms to meet the needs of the local community for worship facilities.

Haeruddin, who is the owner of PT Lompulle, firmly admitted that he had never worked on a project within the South Sulawesi Provincial Government. Especially if it is said to have a business relationship or debts with Nurdin Abdullah.

"There has never been a provincial government project, in Soppeng, yes. At that time there was an auction and we participated in the LPSE. There was no previous discussion with Mr. NA," he said.

Haeruddin before the Chief Justice Ibrahim Palino admitted that he knew each other and Nurdin Abdullah, who is now a defendant.

The team of public prosecutors (JPU) who heard the confession also asked the witness whether he had ever been asked directly by the defendant to donate to the construction of the mosque.

"That's right, I once met with Mr. Nurdin at the provincial government and the meeting took less than 10 minutes and then he said goodbye. Mr. Nurdin offered me to donate to the mosque and I immediately said yes to Rp1 billion," said Haeruddin.

He said that the money promised to be donated for the construction of the mosque was handed over directly to Syamsul Bahri, who is none other than Nurdin Abdullah's aide.

"I handed it over in cash to Syamsul Bahri. After that I did not confirm again because I believe the money was used for the mosque," he added.

Meanwhile, the defendant, the Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah, corrected a number of witness statements, particularly regarding his meeting with Haeruddin at the governor's office.

NA explained that the meeting was to give appreciation to Haeruddin for the work he had done very well in Soppeng Regency.

"I know Pak Haeruddin is a charitable and social person. At that time I said that he was sincere and wanted to do charity. I was building a mosque in the Unhas Complex with a budget of Rp. 25 billion. He did," he explained.

Previously, Nurdin Abdullah was accused of having received bribes worth 150,000 Singapore dollars (approximately Rp. 1.596 billion) and Rp. 2.5 billion from the defendant Agung Sucipto.

Nurdin Abdullah was charged with accepting bribes to facilitate contractor Agung Sucipto in winning the Palampang-Munte-Botolempangan Road infrastructure project on the Bulukumba-Sinjai axis, South Sulawesi.