Stafsus Jokowi: Economic Growth Of 7.07 Percent In The Second Quarter One Of Them Thanks To Government Policies Such As Social Assistance

JAKARTA - Presidential Special Staff Arif Budimanta said Indonesia's economic growth which returned to a positive level of 7.07 percent (year on year / yoy) in the second quarter of 2021 was the result of the cooperation of all parties, including the stimulus from the social assistance program.

Arif also saw a good contribution to the structure of the domestic economy from the expenditure side of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) and exports.

"This achievement is the result of the cooperation of all parties. A number of government policies so far, through social assistance programs and national economic recovery, have helped to withstand pressure on the community and also business actors," said Arif, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 5.

This Thursday, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) announced Indonesia's economic growth of 7.07 percent year on year (yoy) in the second quarter of 2021 or 3.31 percent quarter-on-quarter (qtq), which signals the release of the domestic economy. from the recession zone since the last four quarters.

Referring to the structure of economic growth in the second quarter, said Arif, PMTB and exports have a good contribution to the national economic recovery. He said this positive trend must be maintained because the future structure of the domestic economy will likely not only rely on the encouragement of household consumption, but also begin to transition to more productive sectors, namely investment and exports.

"The government continues to try to maintain this momentum," he said.

In the second quarter of 2021, it can be seen that the economic growth of several partner countries has also entered an expansionary phase, such as the United States which achieved growth of 12.2 percent (yoy), China 7.9 percent (yoy), and South Korea of 5.9 percent (yoy). .

For this reason, said Arif, domestic economic activities will continue to be consolidated in order to seize opportunities from the global economic recovery.

Several other economic indicators in the second quarter also showed a lot of strengthening. For example, the consumer confidence index (IKK) increased by 16.4 points to 104.4 compared to the IKK position in the first quarter of 2021, which was 88.0.

Investment realization in the second quarter of 2021 also grew by 16.2 percent (yoy) or cumulatively from January to June 2021, it grew by 10.0 percent (yoy).

From the fiscal side, the government has spent the APBN amounting to Rp1,170.13 trillion or 42.55 percent of the total state spending until the first semester of 2021. This realization rose 9.38 percent compared to the same period in 2020.

In addition, external resilience in the second quarter of 2021 is still quite good due to the trade balance position which has consistently experienced a surplus from April 2020 to June 2021. The trade balance surplus from January to June 2021 was recorded at 11.86 billion US dollars.