IDI Bali: 11 Doctors Died Of COVID-19, 65 People Are In Isolation

DENPASAR - Chairperson of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) for the Bali region, Dr. I Gede Putra Suteja, said that up to now there have been 11 doctors in Bali who died because they were confirmed positive for COVID-19. In addition, as many as 65 other people are undergoing isolation.

"Our data shows that 11 doctors died, four specialists and seven general practitioners. It's almost the same, but there are more general practitioners than specialists. There are also more men than women. For (doctors) there are nine men and women. two people. Now there are quite a lot of friends who are in isolation, lastly there are 65 people who are in centralized isolation or being treated," he said during a virtual discussion in Denpasar, Bali, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 4.

Gede Putra said that up to now there are 65 health workers who are undergoing isolation because they have been confirmed to have COVID-19. As for the details, in Denpasar City there are 16 people, Badung Regency 14 people, Buleleng 11 people.

Then there were four people in Tabanan, two in Gianyar, one in Bangli, four in Jembrana, seven in Karangasem and six in Klungkung.

According to him, there is also one doctor who is still being treated in the ICU. He hoped that his colleague would recover soon and return to his normal activities.

Gede Putra said that one of the reasons why more general doctors fall was the limited workload.

"There is a limited workload, especially for general practitioners," he said.

"Usually general practitioners at the puskesmas join the meeting in the morning, then proceed with examining patients, becoming vaccinators and doing tracing and so on. So that in the future there can be more centralized and independent isolation places," he added.

Meanwhile, related to the limited manpower, his party admitted that they are also worried about this and it could affect the hospital's operations if conditions like this continue to occur.

In addition, the mortality rate of male doctors is higher than that of women because there are not many female doctors who open independent practices. Even if you open an independent practice during the current pandemic, it might not be much.

"Why do men get a lot (of income), yes ... it's only human because they may open independent medical practices. Not all have income that can be used as savings for their livelihood. Of course this is related to independent practice," said I Gede Putra Suteja.

Based on data quoted from the COVID-19 Task Force page as of Wednesday, August 4, there were 1,362 additional cases, for the recovery rate of 1,075 people and the case of death there were 37 health workers.

As for the achievement of vaccination, namely for phase I there were 3,078,858 people with an achievement of 102.76 percent and vaccination for stage II reached 973,329 people with an achievement of 32.49 percent.