PPKM Level 4 Extended, Market Traders In Medan Fly White Flags, Raise 'We Need Hands'

MEDAN - Dozens of traditional market traders in Medan Marelan, raised red and white flags. This was done as a sign of surrendering to the situation because the government extended the Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) level IV period in Medan City.

While waving the white flag, the merchant shouted their complaints.

"We traders support PPKM but today we gave up, so let us keep selling even though we have to die slowly", shouted the traders, Wednesday, August 4.

Iwan, one of the traders said that since the implementation of the PPKM, the income of traders selling vegetables and others in traditional markets has fallen.

"If you say that the turnover has fallen, how many percent is unspeakable, sometimes in a day there is no basic opening (there are no buyers), vegetables that have been rotten for days cannot be sold", said Iwan.

This unsold trade makes traders sad. As a result of decreased income from merchandise, they have to rack their brains to get rupiah.

In fact, they go into debt, sell goods, and others just eat and pay for other daily needs.

"This week (Marelan Market) there are 800 traders, all affected by PPKM, some have closed", he said.

Ironically, in the midst of this difficulty, the Medan Marelan Market traders have not yet received assistance from the government.

"The government, please pay attention to us, the MSME assistance, look at the existing budget, but why haven't we received any disbursement", he said.