MIT Terrorist Who Killed Family And Burned House In Sigi, Central Sulawesi Killed Shot On Mount Tokasa

SULTENG - The police have identified two suspected bodies of the Poso East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) DPO who died in a gun battle in the Tokasa mountains, Tanah Lanto Village, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng).

Central Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Abdul Rakhman Baso said, based on the results of the identification, the two were Rukli and Qatar alias Farel.

"DNA analysis from the last three wanted lists (DPO), the first is Qatar, the second is Rukli, and the third is Ambo," he said in Palu as reported by Antara, Wednesday, August 4.

The Kapolda said that one of the East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) DPOs in Poso who died, namely Qatar, was the DPO who led the killings in two villages in Sigi Regency and Poso Regency.

"The results of the intelligence analysis show that Qatar carried out the killings in Lemban, Tongoa and Kalimago, then as per our analysis they are divided into several groups," he said.

Previously, in July 2021, during the week there were two shootouts between the Madago Raya task force and the MIT Poso DPO. The shooting incident killed three MIT DPOs.

The first incident occurred on Sunday, July 11, in the mountains of Tanah Lanto Village, Torue District, Parigi Moutong Regency, which resulted in the deaths of two MIT Poso DPOs.

Then on Saturday, July 17, gunfire resulted in another DPO MIT Poso being killed. The incident occurred in Tolai Induk Village, Torue District, Parigi Moutong Regency. Not far from the location of the first shootout.

From these two locations, the Madago Raya Task Force secured a number of evidences in the form of revolver firearms, ammunition, rice cake bombs, compasses, flags, and a number of other evidences allegedly used by the three dead Poso MIT DPOs.

The three bodies of the MIT Poso DPO were buried in the Public Cemetery (TPU) area of Poboya Village, Palu City, Central Sulawesi. However, of these three bodies, only one body has been identified by the police.

According to police data, there are currently six members of the MIT Poso DPO who are still being chased by the Madago Raya Task Force.

The act of terror in Lembantongoa Village, Sigi, Central Sulawesi on Friday, November 27, 2020 then became public attention. How not, the perpetrators of terror viciously killed 4 people in one family.

In addition to human victims, this gang also burned six residents' houses and one house where people served. Lembantongoa Village Secretary Rifai said this incident caused a number of residents living near the victim's house to hide, flee, and some fled.