Australian Athlete Shows Disgraceful Behavior, Damages Olympic Athletes Village Room And Makes Away On Plane

JAKARTA - Australian athletes vandalized the Tokyo Olympic Athletes Village room on their way home, while other Australian athletes displayed disgraceful behavior on their flight home, the Australian Olympic Committee said on Tuesday.

A number of athletes broke beds and punched holes in bedroom walls, but no one was punished after they apologized, said Team Australia leader Ian Chesterman, without revealing the names of the athletes or the sport the athletes came from.

"Some young people make mistakes, they leave their rooms in unacceptable conditions," Chesterman said. But he added the damage was minor. "The rooms aren't completely untidy."

He revealed that the young people admitted that they were sorry they had made a mistake.

Rugby Australia said it had launched an investigation after being alerted by Australian team officials of "unacceptable" behavior by rugby and football players on flights home from the Olympics.

"Rugby Australia has been notified of an incident involving the Australian rugby team of seven after being notified by the Australian Olympic Committee," the Australian rugby body said.

"Rugby Australia has initiated its own internal investigation into this matter.... Rugby Australia expects the highest standards from all staff, modeled on our sporting values - respect, integrity, passion and teamwork."

Australian Olympic Committee Chief Executive Officer Matt Carroll said he had received a report from the rugby and football CEO to investigate reports of noisy behavior on a flight to Sydney last Friday.

"This is very disappointing but both Rugby and football have informed me that such behavior is absolutely unacceptable and sincerely apologize to the Australian Olympic Team.

"Both CEOs have taken appropriate action and reported back to us," Carroll said.