Helping In Handling COVID-19, The National Police Chief Distributes 1.000 Oxygen Concentrators

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo provided assistance with 1.000 oxygen concentrators. The aid will be distributed to COVID-19 referral hospitals throughout Indonesia.

"Today we can distribute 1000 oxygen concentrators which we will send to several Police Hospitals as well as other hospitals that are COVID-19 referral hospitals in need", said General Sigit at the National Police Headquarters, Tuesday, August 3.

The distribution of oxygen concentrators, continued Sigit, is expected to be able to meet the needs of the community. Thus, this can anticipate the lack of oxygen availability for COVID-19 patients.

In particular, for hospitals in areas where the Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) has increased. Moreover, currently, there are still 12 regions that are experiencing an increase.

"This is part of our efforts to be able to meet oxygen demand, especially in some areas where the BOR rate is increasing", said Sigit.

"Thus, we hope that with this oxygen concentrator, it is hoped that the needs of the community, especially those who need oxygen, can be helped by the presence of this oxygen concentrator", continued the National Police Chief.

In addition, General Sigit also appreciated all parties who have been willing to help related to the distribution of the 1.000 oxygen concentrators.

"Because of that, of course, I thank my colleagues who facilitated so that we were able to get and today we can distribute 1.000 oxygen concentrators which we will send to the Police Hospital and also other hospitals that are COVID-19 referrals in need", said the National Police Chief.