COVID Vaccination Is Still Low, Jambi District Government Wants To Step On The Gas To Pick Up Balls To Remote Villages

JAMBI - The Merangin Regency Government, Jambi Province has accelerated the COVID-19 vaccination with a ball pick-up system to villages.

"Within two weeks, 11,000 residents in Merangin have had to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to achieve this target, they will carry out a ball pick-up system," said Merangin Regent Mashuri in Merangin, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, August 3.

The low vaccination achievement in Merangin Regency is due to the lack of socialization to the public about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination.

Mashuri explained that the COVID-19 task force must continue to provide socialization and education to the public about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination. Don't let people just accept rumors that are not true about the COVID-19 vaccine.

It is necessary to emphasize to the public that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe, halal and of good quality. In addition, the COVID-19 vaccination needs to be carried out to increase the body's immune system.

"I am the first elderly person to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in Merangin, let's invite the community to get vaccinated and don't be afraid to be vaccinated," said Mashuri.

On Tuesday, Mashuri reviewed the vaccination implementation in West Kibul Village, Tabir District. In that area, a COVID-19 vaccination for the elderly was carried out. Mashuri appealed to residents who were vaccinated to also provide education to other people so that they would want to be vaccinated.

In addition, Mashuri also reviewed the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination in Muara Jernih Village, precisely at SMA N 11 Merangin. The school was vaccinated against COVID-19 for students from the age of 12 to 17 years.

Vaccination of students is carried out with the hope that students can take part in face-to-face learning at school.

"I appreciate the students who were vaccinated, the message to students is to invite family members at home to want to be vaccinated," said Mashuri.