After The Burning Of The Papua Police Nimboran By The Mass, Propam Examines Bripka PY For Warning Shots

JAYAPURA - Jayapura Police Chief, AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboe, said that the situation in Nimboran, after the police station was burned, had returned to normal.

"Members have recorded and gathered information from various parties, while Bripka PY who allegedly gave warning shots but the bullet hit victim Fredik Sem (22) is now being secured by Propam Jayapura Police," he said in Jayapura, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 3.

PY will be questioned regarding the incident. From the reports received, the burning of the Nimboran Police Headquarters was carried out spontaneously by the community after the news spread that the victim died from the gunshot wound he suffered.

"But it turns out that Sem's condition continues to improve and is currently being treated at Bhayangkara Hospital, Kotaraja," said Maclarimboe.

The case began when the victim and her colleagues, who were in a drunken state due to drinking alcoholic beverages, blocked the road.

Receiving a report that someone was blocking the road, the police moved to the scene and are currently trying to deal with it. In the process the Pemalang fought the police so the police fired warning shots and one of the bullets hit Sem.

Maclarimboe admitted that there was one other rifle but it was damaged and could no longer be used.

"The firearm that caught fire was damaged," said Maclarimboe.