PPKM Level 4 Evaluation, PKS Questions Vaccination: How's The Merah Putih Vaccine?

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Kurniasih Mufidayati, requested that the level-based evaluation of Emergency Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) ending today use indicators from WHO.

Among them, the positive rate is below 5 percent, the BOR (bed occupancy rate) is below 60 percent, the standard test is 1:1000 per week for a positive rate of 5 percent and the test rate must increase if the positive rate is far above 5 percent.

"As of August 1, 2021, our positive rate is still 27.28 percent. It's still in the same range when the Emergency PPKM was implemented. With a positive rate, the testing target must also increase to 20:1000 per week. All of these indicators can be used as evaluation material. PPKM is level-based", said Mufida, Monday, August 2.

In addition to the evaluation based on health data from WHO, Mufida hopes that the distribution of vaccinations will become a serious concern for the Government. The reason is that currently, the number of people who have received the second dose of vaccination is only 20,534,823 people, or 9.86 percent of the 208,265,720 vaccination target.

Mufida reminded the government that the target of at least 70 percent of vaccinations must be achieved by the end of 2021. "It's now August. Our biggest obstacle is still availability. The government must boost various vaccine procurement schemes if the target of group immunity is to be achieved by the end of the year", said Mufida.


"Then how are the Merah Putih vaccine? Commission IX has unanimously provided whatever support is needed for the Red and White vaccine to help accelerate the national vaccination target", she continued.


Due to limited stock, continued Mufida, currently, there are still many areas, especially outside Java, that have not received many vaccines.


According to the WHO report, she said, in a situation report on July 28, 2021, there are still many health workers outside Java such as Papua, Maluku and Central Sulawesi who have not received the vaccine at all. Meanwhile, based on data from the Ministry of Health as of today, there are still 20 percent of health workers who have not received the COVID-19 vaccination.


In Maluku, she continued, the figure is around 15 percent. In fact, Mufida explained, the increase in cases outside Java was quite high in the last two weeks.


"The increase in cases outside Java from July 1-26 reached 216 percent. This has become a warning. Immediately boost vaccine procurement and carry out equal distribution of vaccinations nationally", she said.


Mufida also urged that social assistance to the community which had begun to disburse must be guarded. This is so that the community will be calmer if there is a policy of extending the mobility of residents in their area.


"Social assistance is important and must be guarded so as not to repeat the abuses that occurred in the past, people need social assistance support if, for example, the mobility ban will be extended", she said.