As Long As COVID-19 Drug Demand Skyrocket, This Is The Mode

JAKARTA - Demand for methamphetamine and marijuana types of drugs skyrocketed during the mid-week of COVID-19. The demand is even greater than before the outbreak. This can be seen from a number of cases revealed by the police.

"We compared before and a moment the pandemic. Before this it was high but during the pandemic the facts were higher. In fact, almost every day 15-20 cases were revealed by the Metro Polda and Polres ranks," said the Head of Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Nana Sudjana, as quoted on Saturday, June 13.

Nana said, the increase in demand for drugs was mostly from Jakarta. "If we evaluate the high drug trafficking in Jakarta, it shows that the demand for drugs, both marijuana, and methamphetamine is still high in Jakarta," said Nana.

The high demand for prohibited goods is suspected because residents are getting bored with the current situation. Well, this situation is exploited by dealers.

"Psychologically, with their disobedience they want to try new things, including drugs," said Nana.

Nana detailed, Sabu orders are higher when compared to marijuana. During COVID-19, the police managed to confiscate 1.2 tons of crystal methamphetamine, while 1.1 tons of marijuana.

New mode of marijuana delivery

From the results of the operation carried out by the police, 336 kilograms of marijuana from Lhokseumawe, Aceh was successfully confiscated. To trick the officers, the dealers put marijuana on the sofa.

"Sent a sofa set of six boxes containing 336 kilograms of marijuana, which after we investigate the sender is fictitious," said Nana.

Nana said that the shipment of illicit goods was carried out on Saturday, May 9, 2020. The 336 kilograms of marijuana stored in the sofa is shipped in two stages.

"The first delivery was at 07.00 WIB, the second was at 22.00 WIB on the same day," said Nana.

Nana said the marijuana was sent via expedition and arrived at PT Tunas Antarnusa Muda or TAM Cargo, Jalan Bambu Apus Raya, Kelurahan Bambu Apus, Cipayung District, East Jakarta. The address of the sender and recipient is recorded on the item, but after investigation is fictitious.

Until a month, the sofa package was not taken. The TAM Cargo officer then reported to the East Jakarta Police, because he was suspicious of the goods.

"We always coordinate with several expeditions or cargo from anyone who is suspicious, they always tell them," said Nana.

Then, the police contacted the recipient with the initials J to immediately pick up the shipment. J admitted that he could not retrieve the item because he was out of town.

"He promised to pick up a few days later, but until the day the goods were not collected. We checked directly at the address in question in West Cilandak, South Jakarta. It turns out that the address is fictitious," added Nana.

The police kept calling J, but his cell phone was turned off. Until one month the item was not taken. The police suspected that J knew that it was the police who called, finally the investigators unpacked the package and found that the sofa contained neatly wrapped marijuana.

"They took advantage of the time during the Covid-19 pandemic, so they estimated that the police or maybe other officers were focusing on handling Covid-19 and they then took advantage of the conditions," said Nana.

Nana asked the courier service to check the address of the recipient and sender before sending the goods. This prevents the re-delivery of illegal goods via the cargo.

"Check properly, for example, the sender's address is official or not," asked Nana.

Polda Metro Jaya has coordinated with Polda Aceh to investigate the disclosure of marijuana on the sofa. The recipient and the sender are wanted by the police.

Nana emphasized that his party will continue to eradicate the circulation of narcotics in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya. He said the Polda Metro Jaya was committed to making Jakarta free from drug trafficking.

"We are committed to continue to strive for zero drugs in Jakarta," said Nana.