Bekasi Residents Get Ready! District Government Speeds Up BLT Rp300 Thousand, No Discount

BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java has accelerated the distribution of Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) sourced from the second term 2021 Village Fund of IDR 300 thousand to each beneficiary.

The acting Regent of Bekasi Dani Ramdan said the acceleration of the distribution of BLT was very much needed by the community to meet the needs of residents during the Level 4 Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) implementation.

"We have instructed all village governments to immediately distribute BLT to the community, yesterday I participated in distributing it directly to villages," he said in Cikarang quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 29.

The acceleration in the distribution of aid is due to the fact that the disbursement only arrived in June. Bekasi Regency received an allocation of assistance worth Rp. 111 billion for the program this year.

The cash assistance of Rp. 300 thousand was given to residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic outside of recipients of similar assistance from the government which were inputted in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

Head of the Bekasi Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service Ida Farida said as many as 31,015 Bekasi Regency residents had been registered as beneficiaries of this program until the end of December 2021.

Until July 2021, he said, the realization of the disbursement of the budget had reached Rp. 47.43 of the total Rp. 111.65 billion in aid received by the end of this year.

"So the realization is almost 50 percent and we make sure this assistance reaches directly to the people who are entitled to receive it," he said.

He explained that the assistance was given directly by Bank BJB to the recipients so that it was certain that there would be no deductions or fees for the assistance in question.

"If there are individuals who do that, residents are welcome to report it, there will definitely be strict action against anyone who makes the cuts," he said.

Ida also ensures the accuracy of the data on beneficiaries of this program because the residents who are entitled to receive the aid allocation have already gone through a thorough identification process.

"There is no overlapping or double data due to receiving benefits from other programs. The beneficiaries of this program are outside the DTKS data, nor are they listed as recipients of the family of hope program and other Ministry of Social assistance. any program," he said.