Traces Of Cruel Politics Bro! It Is Impossible For AHY And Democrats To Replace Prabowo Subianto As The Locomotive Of The Opposition

JAKARTA - The elite of the Democratic Party has recently been aggressively criticizing the government of Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Starting from General Chair Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), Faction Chairperson Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas) to Andi Arief.

AHY questioned the ability of the Jokowi government to save the people from the pandemic that has hit until now. Meanwhile, Ibas expressed his concern about Indonesia becoming a failed country because it was unable to save its people from COVID-19.

Social Media Activist Eko Kuntadhi 'kissed' another meaning behind the criticism made by the brothers. Democrats want to fill the opposition seat left by Prabowo Subianto for joining Jokowi at this time.

According to Eko, this position is very profitable. Reflecting on Prabowo's success in bringing Gerindra two consecutive terms into Jokowi's opposition, it has proven to increase the party's prestige.

Obviously Prabowo and Gerindra are different. Democrats, according to Eko, have a gray track record in the national political arena. In 2014, Democrats were not included in the two major political axes that were 'battling' Prabowo and Jokowi.

"Democrats are known as a gray party that does not support Jokowi but also does not support Prabowo. Their attitude is fickle, the opposition is not the ruling party nor does it get a seat," said Eko as quoted by VOI on the CokroTV YouTube channel, Wednesday, July 28.

The choice to become a middle-of-the-road party did not sell well with the decline in the number of votes in 2014. If in the 2009 presidential election the Democratic vote was able to touch the figure of 20 percent, then in 2014 it fell to 11 percent.

Democrats are aware that taking a middle ground position does not benefit the party's vote nationally. Therefore, in 2019, the Democrats aggressively offered AHY to the two competing axes, Prabowo and Jokowi. Unfortunately this step didn't work.

Even though Prabowo and Gerindra lost in the presidential election, Jokowi still accommodated them to enter the cabinet. The Democrat's decision to become an opposition party is actually a smart move because it can gain people's votes against Jokowi.

"But being in opposition with the Cikeas family's previous experience in power is certainly not that easy when they criticize Pak Jokowi's performance. For example, people easily refer to the results of the SBY administration while in power," explained Eko.

When criticizing Jokowi regarding corruption cases, the public will easily open up the mega corruption of Hambalang in the SBY era when he was in charge.

This means that the choice of the Democrats to become the opposition while the Cikeas family has been in power in Indonesia for two periods is not at all easy.

"When they accuse Jokowi's government, people will immediately open old files because when they were in power they didn't have much achievement," explained Eko.

If you want to replace Prabowo's role as the locomotive of the opposition, AHY and the Democrats need high seriousness. If you use troops on social media to voice criticism, it will clearly be refuted by what achievements have been made by SBY when he led Indonesia.