XX Papua PON Arena Is 100 Percent Ready

JAKARTA - Head of the Papua Province Sports and Youth Service (Kadisorda) Alexander Kapisa ensured that most of the construction of sports arenas at various locations for the XX National Sports Week matches in Papua is 100 percent ready.

"The construction of the XX Papua PON venue, which was built using APBN, Papua Province APBD and Regency/City APBD, has been running according to schedule," said Alexander Kapisa in Jayapura, Wednesday, as reported by Antara.

He admitted, with the completion of the international standard XX Papua PON match arena, the Papua PON event is also ready to be held in October 2021.

In addition to the arena that is ready, according to Alexander Kapisa, the community around the event location is also ready to welcome the best athletes throughout the country from 34 provinces throughout Indonesia by participating in the COVID-19 vaccination.

"PON XX Papua which takes place in four clusters of organizers must be successful until it is finished," said Alexander Kapisa.

Papuans support the implementation of PON XX by welcoming the best sports ambassadors from all over Indonesia with hospitality, peace and the spirit of brotherhood.

PON XX Papua will compete in 37 sports which will take place in four organizing clusters, namely Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Mimika Regency and Merauke Regency.