A Boy Who Viral Pray For His Mother's Body At The COVID-19 Cemetery Video Call With President Jokowi

TENGGARONG - The boy named Arga Azharia, who went viral in his mother's prayer at the COVID-19 graveyard in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, had the opportunity to speak directly with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) via video call.

Jokowi also provided assistance which was symbolically handed over by Kutai Kartanegara Regent, Edi Damansyah, to the Arga's family, Wednesday, July 28.

"Bringing feelings of emotion and empathy, we returned to visit the children of the late Ali Yusni and Deasy Setiawati to bring assistance from President Jokowi", said Kutai Kartanegara Regent, Edi Damansyah.

"Today, we especially accompanied Ananda Arga, Arya, and Ayra to receive a live video call with the President", continued Kutai Kartanegara Regent.

Regent Kutai Kartanegara advised Arga and his siblings, who was left by their late parents due to exposure to COVID-19, to grow up as pious children.

"Grow up to be a pious and pious child so that your parents in heaven are proud. We will oversee your education to completion”, said Kutai Kartanegara Regent, Edi Damansyah.

Instagram Edi Damansyah

Previously viral on social media Arga Azharia admonished the body of his mother who died of COVID-19. Circulating a video of this boy wearing PPE praying to his parents' bodies at the COVID-19 grave.

Kutai Kartanegara Regent, Edi Damansyah, previously visited the residence of the late father-in-law Ali Yusni Bin Zailani AW and Deasy Setiawati Binti Supriyo in Tenis Lapangan Gang Stadion Street, Panji Tenggarong Village.

The visit of the Regent of Kutai Kartanegara Edi Damansyah with the Regional leadership coordination forum ranks as an expression of condolences for the tragedy experienced by the extended family of the late Ali Yusni and his wife who died due to exposure to COVID-19.

Meanwhile, the first child of Arya Pratama Akbar (17) and the third Muhammad Zainul Abrar (8) is currently also exposed to COVID at Wisma Atlet Tenggarong Seberang. Both are still in the healing process.

During the visit, Regent Edi Damansyah handed over assistance and compensation for education costs to the victims' children until they graduated from college.

The aid was received directly by the child of victim number two, Arga Azharia (12), who was accompanied by his grandmother Norsyam and his family.