Facebook Take Down 200 Accounts Associated With Racism Groups

JAKARTA - Hate speech, looting and protests denouncing racial issues still occur in the United States (US). Even recently, Facebook deleted around 200 social media accounts related to white supremacist groups which actually worsened the protests.

As quoted by The Verge, these groups allegedly angered the anger of the masses by spreading hate speech in a protest against police violence, after the death of black citizen George Floyd, in Minnesotta, USA. Where they infiltrated the mass of demonstrations condemning racist behavior.

"We see these groups planning to mobilize supporters and members to be physically present at rallies and in some cases prepared to carry weapons," said Brian Fishman, director of anti-terrorism and dangerous organization policy Facebook, Brian Fishman, Wednesday, June 10.

According to an Associated Press report, the accounts deleted by Facebook are still associated with white supremacist groups, such as the Proud Boys and the American Guard. Facebook itself has indeed been monitoring accounts that are trying to cloud the 'Black Lives Matter' protest that took place in the US.

Where these two groups have long been a concern of Facebook because they often spread hatred. Proud Boys and the American Guard, are two accounts that have been banned from Facebook for violating rules that prohibit hate speech.

Through social media, the group's page followers often use the term 'boogaloo' or refer to several right-wing groups who have disguised themselves as members of anti-fascist groups to carry out provocations. Because of this, Facebook has taken down the related group page from its search results range and has not recommended it to users.

The platform made by Mark Zuckerberg has also taken a stance not to cloud protests related to racial issues in the US. Even Facebook also had time to lower the post of Donald Trump's campaign team using footage of the violence triggered by George Floyd's death, as a campaign video.