Speaker Of House of Representatives Regrets Indonesian Air Force Personnel Stepping On The Heads Of Residents In Papua: Maintain People's Trust

JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, reminded the apparatus not to commit violence against the public. Puan regrets the incident of unscrupulous members of the Indonesian Air Force who twisted and stepped on the heads of residents in Merauke, Papua.

"Violence during PPKM (Restrictions on Community Activities) enforcement alone should not occur, especially violence by state officials against the community which is not related to their duties and priorities for handling the pandemic. Obviously, this cannot be justified at all”, said Puan Maharani, Wednesday, July 28.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture emphasized that the violence against residents in Papua should not have happened for any reason. Moreover, the community is being affected by the restriction policy.

“In the midst of Merauke which is implementing PPKM Level 4, the state apparatus should try to get public support so that the supervision of government policies can be carried out effectively. Instead of committing violence outside of their duties", said Puan.

The chairman of the PDIP Fraction stressed that stability in Papua must also be a priority for every officer who works there. With a lot of homework that still needs to be done in Papua, said Puan, don't add unnecessary incidents like in Merauke.

"Always win the hearts of the people of Papua and all the people of Indonesia. We all must focus on handling the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining the stability of the country, and also the people's trust in the state and its officials. Direct the energy of this nation there", said Puan.

Puan welcomed the move by the Indonesian Air Force to respond quickly to the incident by apologizing to the public and taking action against two of its officers.

According to her, in a difficult situation like now, even the slightest actions that are counterproductive to government policies and have the potential to damage people's trust must be completely avoided.

"Even without this situation, violence by the apparatus against civilians that does not endanger the security of the state cannot be justified", said Puan.

Puan added that the apparatus as the spearhead of defense, security, and law enforcement should prioritize a persuasive and humanist approach to the community. Especially in the conditions of society that are difficult because of the current pandemic.

"Let's not repeat life in a repressive atmosphere when the apparatus becomes a frightening figure for the people. The apparatus should be guarded, protected, and protected”, said Puan.