DPR Provides Rooms At Ibis And Oasis 3 Star Hotels For Legislators Affected By COVID-19, Why Not At Homes?
JAKARTA - DPR Secretary General Indra Iskandar said his agency provided two 3-star hotels in Jakarta as a place of self-isolation (isoman) for DPR members who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 without symptoms. The two hotels are the Ibis Hotel, on Jalan Daan Mogot and the Oasis Hotel. , on Jalan Senen Raya. "We have collaborated with several hotels for self-isolation for members of the DPR who are positive for COVID-19, and including staff, the ASN Secretariat General of the DPR without family," said Indra Iskandar, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 27. He explained that the interaction and intensity of activities of DPR members in the electoral district (Dapil) is very high, so they have the potential to be exposed to COVID-19. According to Indra, from several incidents, members of the DPR who were exposed to COVID-19 performed isoman in the Member's Office House (RJA), but neighbors complained for fear of transmission. "A few weeks ago there was a member of the House of Representatives who tested positive for COVID-19 in isolation at RJA Kalibata, but I received a confirmation complaints from other members of the House of Representatives that it risks transmitting it to the surrounding environment, so that it becomes a problem," he continued. Indra explained, on this basis, the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives decided to cooperate with two hotels in Jakarta as an isoman place. In addition, according to him, several ministries/agencies have done the same thing, namely collaborating with 3-star hotels as places for their employees." In accordance with the Circular Letter of the Director General of State Treasury of the Ministry of Finance Number S-369/PB/2020 and S-308/PB/2020, stated in If there are no available boarding houses, dormitories, or guesthouses for ministries/agencies, you can use lodging or the like taking into account the availability of funds," he said. symptoms, so they can be directed to isolation in the two hotels. The rules for self-isolation facilities for members of the DPR are the oldest In the letter number SJ/09596/Setjen DPR RI/DA/07/2021 signed by the Secretary General of the DPR RI, Indra Iskandar, dated July 26, 2021.
In the letter, it was explained that the Secretariat General of the DPR in collaboration with several hotels provided quarantine/isoman facilities for DPR members who were confirmed to have COVID-19 without symptoms or mild symptoms with isolation in hotels. , and current domicile address. These requirements are submitted to the Secretariat General of the DPR whose names and contact numbers have been included in the letter.