The Vandalism Of 'Open BO' On Puan Maharani's Billboards Doesn't Need To Be Overreacted, Observers: It's Still A Wind, Not A Storm

JAKARTA - Political observer and Director of Indo Publica, Asip Irama assessed that the act of vandalism in the form of the words 'Open BO' against the billboards of the Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, in Blitar and Surabaya Regencies, East Java, should not be taken lightly.

Excessive responses will only reduce the electability of the PDIP DPP chairman if the problem continues to be extended. Moreover, it has been handled by the police.

"The black campaign doesn't need to be overdone, because excessive responses will only harm and reduce Mbak Puan's electability," said Asip, Tuesday, July 27.

"The writing on the billboard is still a test of the wind, not yet a storm. Mbak Puan and her team must be wiser and wiser in responding to black campaigns," he continued.

According to him, the act of vandalism in the form of the words 'Open BO' and other sentences such as 'PKI and Corruption' was deliberately intended to bring down the dignity of Puan. 'Open Bo' is a term in the world of prostitution which means open online booking. Asip also suspects that the vandalism shows that Puan is a threat in the national political arena.

"However, Mbak Puan's presence with the PDIP which is quite solid is a threat in itself for other 2024 Presidential Candidates. Ms. Puan's position as Chair of the DPR RI, first, clearly provides a fairly high bargaining value, therefore many feel uncomfortable with Ms. Puan's presence in the event. the 2024 presidential candidate exchange," he explained.

However, Asip considered it reasonable if the vandalism action was later linked to the interests of the 2024 presidential election. The reason is that Puan's name is getting more and more popular to run as a presidential or vice presidential candidate in 2024.

From the beginning, added Asip, the massive appearance of Puan's billboards in various regions was indeed interpreted as a warm-up towards 2024. Not a few people welcomed it. Moreover, the presence of the billboards contained positive messages, including the health protocol campaign.

"So, responding to attacks from camps that don't want Mba Puan's presence, you have to be very careful. In my opinion, choosing to survive and continue to campaign positively is better than just attacking back," said Asip

Previously, senior PDIP politician Hendrawan Supratikno called the vandalism of the words "Open BO" on the billboards of PDIP DPP chairman Puan Maharani tainting public etiquette. He regretted the actions of this irresponsible person.

The member of the PDIP faction in the DPR also asked all parties not to be provoked by the vandalism. He did not want the actions of this unknown person to divide society.

"Our concentration and togetherness should not be disturbed by petty vandals who pollute public civility," said Hendrawan in a short message, Sunday, July 25.

Hendrawan said PDIP had reported the case to the police. He said that it was the team of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Arteria Dahlan, who processed the findings to legal channels.

"The point is we respect the ongoing process in the police," he said.

As is known, social media was shocked by acts of vandalism against the billboards of PDIP DPP chairman Puan Maharani. The billboard was crossed out with the words "Open BO" next to a photo of Puan Maharani's face.

The billboard stands in front of the PDIP Blitar DPC office. Puan congratulated the PDIP Regional Work Meeting in East Java through the billboard.

Therefore, stay alert and don't be careless, always be disciplined in implementing health protocols," Anies said