Ridwan Kamil Prepares RT-Based COVID-19 Tracking And Testing Strategy

BANDUNG - The West Java (Jabar) Provincial Government has prepared a RT/RW-based tracking and testing strategy for reinforcement to suppress the transmission rate, especially with the Delta variant of COVID-19.

"The tracer in West Java has one RT. One person. The second one can be one or two field tracers and the task can be initiated, with digital tracers. quoted by Antara, Monday, July 26.

It was agreed that in one RT there must be at least one tracer from youth cadres, PKK, and trained volunteers. This field tracer will trace close contacts of confirmed positive cases. The field tracer will report to the babinsa/bhabinkamtibmas to be forwarded to the digital tracer who lives in the puskesmas.

From the digital tracer, the data will be reported to the Koramil – Kodim – Kodam until it finally empties into the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) as the coordinator for the acceleration of this tracking and testing.

In West Java, there are around 262,388 RT, which means 262,388 field tracers are needed. Meanwhile, Puskesmas have 1,100 units, which means 1,100 digital tracers are needed.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the West Java Province PKK TP Atalia Ridwan Kamil added that for field tracers, there were already 200 thousand trained PKK cadres and it was just a matter of sharpening the technical reporting.

"The latest report has 200 thousand PKK cadres who are ready to become tracers, they are by name by address," said Atalia.

Meanwhile, from the youth organization, there are already 10,300 members who are ready to be deployed as field tracers.

"It's been done by name by address via google form. We are still waiting for the information flow," said Head of the West Java Youth Organization, Raden Subchan Daragana.

Meanwhile, for digital tracers, there are already trained personnel from the Siliwangi Military Command III.

"We already have 470 personnel digital tracers. The position digital tracer is at the puskesmas and they will receive reports from the field tracer," said Pangdam III Siliwangi Major General TNI Nugroho Budi Wiryanto.

The governor continued by sending a message, so that later the officers in the field intend to look for sick people so that they can be given immediate help and keep them away from healthy people around them.

“We in the field are most important looking for sick people and separating them from healthy people. The number of volunteers is sufficient, this may be an encouragement for all of us," said Ridwan Kamil.