Many Residents Have To Pay Rent For Houses To Electricity, Ombudsman Considers Social Assistance In Jakarta Should Be IDR 2.5 Million

JAKARTA - Head of the Greater Jakarta Ombudsman Representative Teguh Nugroho views the nominal cash social assistance (BST) of Rp600 thousand to finance around one million Jakarta residents during PPKM is not enough.

Because, Teguh views, many residents have needs such as paying house rent, paying electricity bills, and paying for education every month.

However, PPKM Emergency or PPKM Level 4 requires them to stay at home without having an income.

"With compensation for not doing mobility with only Rp. 600,000 per family, it is difficult for them to stay at home as expected. This amount is not even enough to meet the most basic food needs for one family," said Teguh in his statement, Friday, July 23.

Therefore, Teguh views that the amount of BST should reach millions of rupiah. "The Ombudsman's estimate, to meet the standard needs so that residents do not do mobility at all, ranges from Rp. 2 million to Rp. 2.5 million rupiah," he said.

The assistance can be in the form of cash or in the form of other compensation, such as expansion of KJP or other tuition assistance for residents of buffer areas and for students who do not attend public schools, food assistance in the form of public kitchens to support food needs, as well as exemption from electricity costs during the period. PPKM.

"Jabodetabek is an area with a higher cost of living than other areas. When the Rp600,000 social assistance is used as the main economic support, vulnerable people still have to pay house rent, education costs, and electricity costs," explained Teguh.

It is known that the DKI Provincial Government through the Social Service has distributed cash social assistance (BST) disbursement through Bank DKI ATMs. Meanwhile, BST from the central government, namely the Ministry of Social Affairs, is distributed through PT Pos Indonesia.

There are 1,007,379 beneficiary families (KPM) who received BST from the DKI Provincial Government. Residents who receive BST are registered as recipients of the 2020 basic food social assistance as a result of updating and matching the DKI Jakarta Provincial Disdukcapil data.