Now, Everyone Can Travel But There Are Conditions

JAKARTA - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 7 of 2020. This SE regulates the criteria and requirements for people's travel during the adaptation period of new habits to a productive and safe society of COVID-19.

With the enactment of SE 7 of 2020, travel conditions are allowed for everyone, as long as they meet the predetermined conditions. The Task Force's previous provisions regarding travel restrictions for only 11 business sectors are now no longer valid.

"The journey of the person referred to in this Circular Letter is the movement of people from one area to another based on provincial / regency / city administrative boundaries, and the arrival of people from abroad using private vehicles or public transportation," said the Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID. -19 Doni Monardo, Monday, June 8.

Although everyone has been allowed to travel, there are several conditions that must be obeyed. First, implementing the COVID-19 prevention protocol, namely wearing a mask, keeping your distance, and washing your hands with soap.

"Every individual who travels with a private vehicle is responsible for their health, and is subject to the applicable conditions," said Doni.

Then, the requirements for people traveling by public transportation are required to carry an identity such as a KTP or other identification, and have a PCR test certificate with a negative result.

"The PCR test certificate is valid for 7 days from the time of departure. Meanwhile, those with a rapid test certificate with non-reactive results are valid for 3 days at the time of departure," said Doni.

In addition, everyone must have a symptom-free certificate such as influenza, issued by a doctor at the hospital or health center. This certificate applies to regions that do not have PCR or rapid test facilities.

However, this domestic in-country travel requirement is exempted for commuter person trips and person trips within agglomeration territories or areas.

Meanwhile, people who come from abroad must take a PCR test on arrival if they have not done the test or cannot show a test letter from the country of departure.

"During the waiting time for the PCR test results, everyone is required to undergo quarantine at a special quarantine accommodation provided by the government," explained Doni.

If they do not want to undergo quarantine in a place provided by the government, they can take advantage of lodging accommodation such as hotels that have received a certificate of organizing COVID-19 quarantine accommodation from the Ministry of Health.

In controlling people's travel and safe public transportation of COVID-19, the central government together with local governments, public transportation administering authorities assisted by the TNI and Polri organize jointly.

"The government and local governments have the right to stop or prohibit travel of people on the basis of this circular and / or the provisions of laws and regulations," added Doni.