MUI Delivers Sad News, IIQ Chancellor Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo Passes Away

JAKARTA - The Chancellor of the Institute of Al-Quran Science (IIQ) Prof. Dr. Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo who was also the Head of the MUI Fatwa Division for the 2015-2020 period died at Serang Hospital, Banten, Friday, July 23 at around 06.10 WIB.

"On this blessed Friday, Allah swt calls back to His presence, our beloved teacher, the late Prof. Dr. Huzaimah Tahido Yanggo, MA. He died at the Banten Hospital, Friday morning, after being exposed to COVID-19. Indonesia is in mourning," he said. Chairman of the MUI for Fatwa Asrorun Niam in a written statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Friday, July 23.

Huzaemah died at the age of 74 after previously battling COVID-19. Since last Friday, there have been many messages asking to pray for Prof Huzaemah who is sick.

For Asrorun, Huzaemah is one of the female clerics who cannot be underestimated and her thoughts have influenced and become a discourse for other scholars. The deceased was the first woman in Indonesia to successfully graduate from the doctoral program (S3) Al-Azhar University, Egypt, with cum laude . In fact, the master's program especially doctoral program at Al-Azhar has long been known to be very difficult, but he was able to prove that nothing is impossible.

Thus, Huzaemah proves that she is a great woman, not only because of her representation as a woman, but because of her quality, hard work and intelligence.

"She is a rare female scientist. A professor in the field of comparative fiqh (muqaranah madzahib). Actively teaches and dedicates her knowledge in various places of service. She has been the head of the Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Jakarta and is currently the Rector of IIQ Jakarta," said he.

According to him, throughout the daily MUI leadership meeting, Prof. Huzaemah was always present on time. He is one of the daily leaders of MUI who is the most diligent in attending and is never late.

In every meeting, he said, Huzaemah also often gave constructive input. At a young age, the deceased still memorized the MUI fatwas by heart. He is also at the forefront of the MUI fatwa in every meeting overseeing other male-dominated figures and scholars.

"His dedication in the field of Islamic law, the discipline he is in, is extraordinary. He is a person who is devoted to science and is active in various services. He has written and published many books, as an unforgettable legacy," he said.