Hundreds Of Cilincing Fishermen Smiling, Apart From Getting Their Staples Vaccinated

JAKARTA - Hundreds of fishermen from Cilincing, North Jakarta, received vaccines and packages of nine basic commodities (sembako) from the mobile vaccine team of the Traffic Directorate of the Metro Jaya Regional Police, Thursday, July 22.

Coordinator of Vaccine Mobile Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKP Kharisma Arbita Bangsa, said that for the activity, 300 doses of vaccines and 300 food packages have been prepared to be distributed to residents of the fishermen's village, Cilincing.

"There are 300 doses of vaccine, and then Mrs. Bhayangkari also received assistance in the form of 300 food packages to be distributed to people who vaccinated," said Kharisma when met by reporters in North Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, July 22.

He added that the target of this activity is people who live in areas with low vaccination coverage, based on data from Polda Metro Jaya.

The goal is that all community groups in Jakarta can get the COVID-19 vaccine and achieve herd immunity.

"We carry out this vaccination every day. This Thursday there are four locations, namely in Depok, East Jakarta two locations, Cipinang Penitentiary and the last one in Cilincing," said Kharisma. Central Jakarta, then to Ciputat, South Tangerang.

The COVID-19 vaccination activity was deliberately carried out at a different location every day, to accelerate the acceleration of vaccination for the community.

"That's right (accelerating the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination). So people don't have to queue far. We come to RW, housing, offices, where vaccinations are low," said Kharisma.

The whole series of COVID-19 vaccination activities can also be followed by children aged 12-17 years, provided that they must be accompanied by their parents when a health examination (screening) is carried out by a doctor.

"Later, parents have to answer the doctor's questions, whether the child has a congenital disease and so on," he added.