IKAPPI: Time For Indonesia To Be Food Independent

JAKARTA - Food is the main basic need for humans that must be fulfilled at all times. The right to obtain food is one of the human rights, as stated in Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution.

Food has a very important meaning and role for people's lives, especially during the mid-week of COVID-19 like today. Chairman of the Organization of the DPP IKAPPI Miftahudin said the availability of food that was smaller than the need for it could create economic instability and higher inequality.

Furthermore, he said, if food security is disrupted in a country it will have an impact on the emergence of various upheavals including social and political.

"This critical food condition can even endanger economic stability and national stability. Indonesia is currently undergoing a tough test on national food security," he said, in an official statement, in Jakarta, Monday, June 8.

The tough test experienced by Indonesia, said Miftahudin, was due to Indonesia's dependence on imports and the inability of the Ministry of Trade to control prices. Examples of commodities that currently depend on imports are garlic and sugar.

"Our consumption of garlic is still dominated by Chinese imports and the problem of sugar prices has not been normal since the last 5 months. This pandemic period should be a momentum for this nation to improve, adequate food availability, both quantity and quality and affordable for all walks of life. society is the key to the success of national food, "he said.

According to Miftahudin, there are many ways that the government can do to make Indonesia self-sufficient in food, among others, mobilizing SOEs' resources to participate in maintaining national food security. The commitment of the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade is the key to food success.

"Price fluctuations can push people's purchasing power down. So the momentum of this National Food Day can serve as a reference so that our food is stronger and one day we can become self-sufficient in food," he explained.

Meanwhile, Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo asked people to be wiser and smarter in ensuring safe food, especially from animal sources.

In commemorating World Food Security Day which falls on June 7, the Minister of Agriculture said that all parties are trying to ensure food safety, starting from the government which plays a role in ensuring safe and quality food for its people.

Then, he continued, farmers and breeders must also implement proper farming methods. Meanwhile, food processing business actors need to ensure that food is processed safely.

"People as consumers ensure that their rights are fulfilled in obtaining safe, healthy and nutritious food, with their role in selecting, handling and processing food intelligently and correctly," he said in Jakarta, Sunday, June 7.