Police Investigate Involvement Of Warehouse Owner Suspected Of Hoarding 553 Oxygen Cylinders In West Kalimantan

PONTIANAK - Police are investigating warehouse and shop owners for their alleged involvement in hoarding 553 oxygen cylinders in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan.

"Currently, our team continues to examine the involvement of warehouse and shop owners in ownership or stockpiling of 553 oxygen cylinders", said Head of Public Relations of the West Kalimantan Police, Kombes Donny Charles Go, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 21.

Previously, the West Kalimantan Police's Oxygen Monitoring Task Force confiscated 553 oxygen cylinders in two different locations in Parindu District, Sanggau Regency.

"The Oxygen Monitoring Task Force team found as many as 497 oxygen cylinders in a warehouse, and 56 tubes in a building shop. After inspection, 273 tubes contained oxygen, and the remaining 280 tubes were empty", he said.

Kombes Donny added, to support the needs of hospitals, we have distributed 273 oxygen cylinders to hospitals in the Sanggau Regency area.

The West Kalimantan Police appealed to the public to report any suspicious activity, including cases of oxygen storage or hoarding.

"Because the community is currently in need of oxygen, so anyone who hoards for personal gain will be subject to legal sanctions, by applicable regulations", he said.

Meanwhile, the Governor of West Kalimantan, Sutarmidji, said that to overcome the limitations and availability of oxygen in the regions, especially for hospital needs, his party was trying to get supplies from Batam in the Riau Islands, and Sarawak in Malaysia.

"Oxygen is indeed limited, from five suppliers only two can be imported from Jakarta, we have tried from Batam and are currently lobbying with Sarawak", he said.