Sultan Hamengku Buwono X Ensures That The Distribution Of Social Assistance For DIY Residents Is Accelerated

YOGYAKARTA - The Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, ensured that the distribution of social assistance from the central government to its citizens was accelerated.

"The Yogyakarta Regional Government will further accelerate the smooth flow of social assistance from the central government, in the form of money, necessities as well as vitamins, and medicines for those who are entitled", Sri Sultan said when delivering greetings and messages to the people entitled "Yogya Satu, Bangkit Bersama" di Bangsal Kepatihan Yogyakarta quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 21.

The Yogyakarta Regional Government, continued Sultan, also immediately reallocated and refocused the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) and the Privileges Fund (Danais) for community assistance funds affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as procurement of urgently needed medical equipment and equipment.

The distribution of the aid, according to him, will also be followed by the acceleration of vaccination, so that group immunity is immediately formed.

Sultan HB X said President Joko Widodo's decision to announce a limited extension of the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) until July 25, 2021, was based on an in-depth consideration of the dynamics and aspirations of the community from various sources.

"Mr. President announced the Limited Extension of Emergency PPKM, and the policy of easing the rules after July 25, 2021. We can imagine how difficult the choice will be before setting the policy", he said.

The King of the Yogyakarta Palace believes that with the easing policy after July 25, the people of Yogyakarta will be ready to independently enforce the protocol.

"Doesn't the Yogya people's support for the Republic of Indonesia never subside? As for those who violate it, they must be prepared to bear the risk of social sanctions and legal sanctions", he said.

The DIY local government, he said, would actively involve the TNI/Police through the implementation of the BKO (Operations Control Assistance) rules by placing their positions and roles in the operational command system in the field.

Regarding the efforts to refocus the APBD and funds for community assistance funds affected by the pandemic, the Sultan is targeting completion in the next few days.

"The Danais has done it. Now we have just checked the format. We only have a problem with data. If we help MSMEs, we help workers who have dropped out, who have been laid off, and so on, if one by one, how long will it take to finish", said Sultan to reporters after delivering greetings to Aruh.

Sultan explained that the reallocation of the budget was not only for aid funds for social groups, but was also intended to fulfill the completeness of health facilities and infrastructure such as PPE to the purchase of coffins.

Regarding assistance for MSMEs, according to Sultan, the Yogyakarta Regional Government will cooperate with associations. Assistance funds may be channeled in the form of loans with low-interest rates through the cooperatives of each MSME association.

"Can the assistance be given to cooperatives? Later we will not charge interest, but no interest in a high sense, maybe half a percent or one percent", he said.

Sultan hopes that the disbursed funds will not run out once but can be used to strengthen the working capital of the members of the MSME association themselves.

"These are options that we can quickly make but we can be held accountable if there is an examination from the BPK (Financial Audit Agency)", said Ngarsa Dalem.