George Floyd Is Positive For COVID-19, But The Cause Of Death Was Not The Virus

JAKARTA - George Floyd, who died after being tortured by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, tested positive for COVID-19 based on the results of an autopsy. However, the corona virus infection was not the cause of death.

The facts are based on a 20-page report published by the Hennepin Regional Medical Examination Office on Wednesday, June 3.

Previously, Floyd had tested positive for the virus based on a PCR test on April 3, or nearly 8 weeks before his death.

Chief medical examiner Dr. Hennepin. Andrew Baker, concluded that the postmortem test result, Floyd was most likely positive from a previous infection. However, there is no indication that the coronavirus caused Floyd's death.

Meanwhile, one of Floyd's autopsy medical examiners, Michael Baden, told the New York Times that local officials had never confirmed that Floyd was positive for COVID-19.

The report also said that the cause of Floyd's death was cardiopulmonary arrest when a police officer crushed his neck.

In addition, there were a number of 'other causes' of Floyd's death, including heart disease, high blood pressure, use of the strong pain reliever drug "fentanyl" and taking methamphetamine.

Floyd's death was considered homicide. Four policemen have been fired for this incident.

Some of them act as video recorders. Meanwhile, Derek Chauvin, the policeman who crushed Floyd, has become a suspect.

Previously, a viral video showed officers using their knees to press Floyd's neck into the road for nearly 9 minutes. Meanwhile, Floyd seemed to be out of breath and repeatedly complaining, "Please, I can't breathe." Moments later, Floyd was pronounced dead and taken to the hospital.

This video was responded to by the world community. Black Lives Matter actions also took place in various countries. They took to the streets to protest the police action that killed Floyd.