Governor Khofifah's Firm Message To Satpol PP: Stay Humane And Humane

JAKARTA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa instructed all levels of the local Civil Service Police Unit to prioritize the side of empathy in supervising the implementation of emergency community activity restrictions (PPKM).

"To all Satpol PP personnel in East Java, I instruct them to remain humane and human in the supervision of emergency PPKM," Khofifah said in a post uploaded to her personal Instagram account, @khofifah.ip, reported by Antara, Sunday, July 18.

He asked the personnel to take a good approach and remain firm, but not to have arrogance and excessive attitude towards the community.

At the end of his post, the number one person in the East Java Provincial Government also prays for the whole community to always be healthy and in the protection of Allah SWT.

"May Allah SWT always provide health and protect us all," wrote the first female governor in East Java.

Khofifah's post received a positive response from netizens and supported the governor's instructions which reminded Satpol PP to be more humane, especially when holding outreach and emergency PPKM patrols.

One citizen, @albar.nia.52 commented on his support and hoped that the Satpol PP would be more trustworthy and embrace the community.

"Amen YRA. Hopefully the Satpol PP gentlemen are more trustworthy, embrace the community. Put forward communication & education, not arrogance. East Java can," he wrote in the comment column.

The governor's instructions also followed up on the Circular of the Minister of Home Affairs Muhammad Tito Karnavian Numbered 440/3929/SJ regarding controlling PPKM and accelerating the provision of vaccines for the community.

In the SE addressed to the regional head, one of the points was to order the Satpol PP ranks in their respective regions to prioritize professional, humanist and persuasive steps in the implementation of PPKM.

The last few days, through various impressions on social media, viral videos of Satpol PP patrols arguing, even arguing with the community.

On the other hand, the video of Satpol PP personnel who carried out their duties humanely, even provided direct assistance in the form of food packages, including cash to traders.

Meanwhile, Head of East Java Satpol PP Budi Santoso emphasized that he was ready to follow up on the instructions of the Governor of East Java and coordinated with all district/city Satpol PP to prioritize humanism when in the field.

"We have also appealed that when carrying out emergency PPKM supervision, we must empathize. Don't forget to prepare basic necessities to help our brothers and sisters," he said.