37 Chinese Elementary School Students Seriously Injured By Knives By Their Own Security Guard

JAKARTA - 37 children and two adults at an elementary school in the Guangxi Zhuang area of China were attacked by a man with a knife on Thursday morning, June 4. The perpetrator is known to be a security guard who works at the school.

The incident took place at around 8:30 am local time at the Wangfu County Elementary School, Wuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang. A report issued by the city government identified the suspect as Li Xiaomin, a 50-year-old security guard who worked at the school.

According to a Wuzhou City government statement quoted by the SCMP, a total of 39 people were injured in the attack. The students were not seriously injured but a school principal and another security guard were seriously injured. No one was critical in this incident.

The injured were rushed to a hospital in Wuzhou City and various other medical centers in Wangfu. According to a Xiaoxiang Morning News report, the doctors and nurses treated about ten students each. The medics wrapped bandages on the victim's head and body and helped them leave the school building.

The victim's parents who were feeling anxious waited in front of one of the clinics waiting for the news of their child's condition. One witness who did not want to be identified said the injured students were mostly from preschool classes and were around six years old.

"Around 8.30am, I heard loud screaming and crying from the school, when I was living nearby. I rushed to school and saw some students running outside," said the person.

The Cangwu local government which runs Wangfu City did not immediately comment on Thursday. Meanwhile, the suspect has been detained by the local police for further investigation.