Highest Record, Additional Daily New Cases Of COVID-19 In Bali Reaches 1,019 People

DENPASAR - The Bali Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force recorded an additional daily COVID-19 case of 1,019 people. This number is also a record for the highest daily additional cases.

"With the addition of 1,019 new cases, the cumulative number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Bali Province has increased to 60,235," said Dewa Made Indra, the daily head of the Bali Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force in Denpasar. July..

Additional new cases today were 1,019 people, the most from Denpasar City (388 people), followed by Badung Regency (185 people), Tabanan Regency (114 people) and Buleleng Regency (106 people).

Then Gianyar Regency (86 people), Karangasem Regency (39 people), Jembrana Regency (38 people), Bangli Regency (28 people), Klungkung Regency (23 people), and 12 people with domicile from outside Bali.

It was also reported that 529 people had recovered from COVID-19, bringing the cumulative number of recovered patients to 51,834 people (86.05 percent).

In addition, on the same day, 23 positive COVID-19 patients died. Thus the cumulative number of patients who died from COVID-19 became 1,749 people (2.9 percent).

"Meanwhile, for patients who are under treatment or the number of active cases so far is 6,652 people or 11.04 percent of the total confirmed positive cases of COVID-19," said Dewa Indra, who is also the Secretary of the Bali Province.

Since mid-June 2021, the daily development of new COVID-19 cases in Bali Province has again touched three digits or above 100 people.

Additional daily cases in Bali, more than the past week have also not shown a downward trend, even tended to soar.

On July 9, the daily cases increased by 674 people, July 10 (678 people), July 11 (561 people), July 12 (656 people), July 13 (723 people), July 14 (791 people), July 15 (843 people) ), and July 16 (885 people).