Minister Faisal Basri Sins It's Fun To Watch The Soap Opera Bond Of Love At WFH: COVID-19 Is Actually Made A Joke

JAKARTA - Recent cases of COVID-19 in the country have continued to increase, even on July 15, setting a record with the addition of 56,757 cases. Senior Economist Faisal Basri touched on the ministers regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He considered that President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) assistant was busy watching serial films not for contemplation.

"WFH's work is not used for contemplation, but watching a series of films and being publicly acknowledged. So there is this power that is sick," he said in a virtual discussion, Friday, July 16.

According to Faisal, if the basic things are not followed, the pandemic will continue and get worse. The basic thing is to save human life.

"What is the basic? Breaking the chain of transmission, prioritizing human life because if the WHO is one human life cannot be compromised. We are WHO members," he said.

Then, continued Faisal, other basic things are non-commercialization, national leadership and organization, and communication strategies. According to Faisal, it took too long for Indonesia to reach the peak of COVID-19 cases. The reason is because these basic things are not implemented.

"So it indicates that we are ignoring, we are in denial, we take it lightly, we make jokes, the public also makes jokes, the ministers also make jokes. It's not funny though. If it's a joke, just give it to stand-up comedy, okay," he said.

For information, recently the tweet of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md has been in the spotlight. Because, he said the emergency PPKM gave him the opportunity to watch the soap opera Ikatan Cinta. Mahfud gave a note about the criminal law on the film that was loved by the mothers.

On his Twitter account @mohmahfudmd, Mahfud considered the soap opera fun to watch. But, he judged, the storyline of the soap opera was spinning.

"PPKM gave me the opportunity to watch the soap opera Ikatan Cinta. It's fun, even though it's a bit tedious," Mahfud wrote, quoted Friday, July 16.