Pursuing The COVID-19 Vaccination Target Of 1-2 Million Per Day, The Police Cooperate With 30 Student Executive Boards

JAKARTA - A number of student elements synergize with the National Armed Forces (TNI-Polri) in the vaccination process. Thus, the government's target of one million vaccines per day to establish herd immunity can be achieved.

"This synergy can be established even better and be used as a model for younger students in the regions in a sustainable manner. Thus, the government's target of 1 million vaccines and even 2 million per day can be achieved in order to realize Herd Immunity", said Indonesian National Police-Criminal Investigation Agency (Kabareskrim Polri) Commissioner-General Agus Andrianto in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 14.

In the vaccination activity, around 1.566 students participated in the vaccine. In addition, the activity initiated by the Student Executive Board (BEM) is also a form of student concern about the spread of COVID-19 in the country which is getting crazier every day.

"Students are an important part of helping the government's efforts, including conducting socialization and education related to the COVID-19 health protocol, national vaccination programs, participating in the implementation of Emergency and micro-scale Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in their respective regions and other government programs", said Agus.

Apart from vaccination activities, Agus asked students to be able to play an active role in government programs. For example, educating the public in implementing health protocols.

"Let us work hand in hand with the Government and the National Police to immediately overcome the COVID-19 outbreak by playing an active role in supporting this vaccination program. Because the state cannot work alone, it needs community support, especially in this case young people and students", said Agus.

For information, this activity involves 30 Student Executive Boards (BEM) who are members of seven alliances, namely BEM Nusantara (Bemnus), BEM All Indonesia (BEMsi), BEM for Muhammadiyah Universities throughout Indonesia (PTMI), BEM for State Islamic Religious Universities. (PTKIN), BEM for Islamic Higher Education (PTAI), Informatics and National Student Association (Permikomnas), and the Indonesian National Student and Activist Alliance (Aman Indonesia).